How to set my Ubuntu account to super user at all times?

I have the latest Ubuntu installed and I'll be the only one using it off the network. My question is: how can I make myself super user at all times?

Because when I try to delete a file it says I don't have privileges to do so. I know you are going to say it's a security risk but I'm off the network and want to learn all that I can. I don't want to delete the files through the terminal but want to do it through the user interface/explorer. I've installed LAMP and can't copy my site to the www directory. I've tried to remove the preinstalled index file and it won't let me.

I'm off the network and want to learn all that I can

If you really want to learn all that you can, you should be doing things the proper way. Lesson 1 is never log in as root directly. Lesson two is how to use the terminal. If you're not willing to learn how to use the terminal then maybe WAMP is more appropriate for you than LAMP. Linux is a very powerful operating system, but it is not Windows and trying to treat it as such is dangerous.

Use sudo (or gskudo for graphical applications) to run commands with super user privileges (at your own risks).

(EDIT: As people mentioned in comments, it's not possible by default to login as root as root doesn't have a password, which is a good thing, and I'm not going to tell you how to change this as I consider setting a password for root as a huge security flaw and a very bad practice. There is actually no reason to be permanently logged a root, this can only lead to mistakes and disasters. Just DON'T DO IT.)

As already reiterated to the boredom, staying logged as superuser all the time is a very bad idea. That said, it's your computer, your project, your choice, so I don't see why one should not share the information you asked, so...

Login with your normal user and from a prompt shell you can enter:

sudo passwd root

this will allow you to enter a password for your root user. You can now logout and login again using your root user.

Should you change your idea about using root, then you could still implement a drag&drop mechanism for super-user operations. Have a look to the ubuntu wiki!