Override console.log(); for production [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to Javascript development so this might be a real newbie question.

I've got a sencha-touch application riddled with console.log(); for debugging purposes.

I've got chirpy doing all of my build time combining. It outputs a app.debug.js for debugging as well as a app.min.js for production

Now I could go through all of my code files looking for console.log(); and delete it manually when I'm ready to go to production, but I'm wondering if there's a way to override the method.

Basically, whenever the console.log(); method is called, DO NOTHING.

That way, I can put the override code file in my production config, and NOT in my debug config.

Is this possible?

Solution 1:

Put this at the top of the file:

var console = {};
console.log = function(){};

For some browsers and minifiers, you may need to apply this onto the window object.

window.console = console;

Solution 2:

Or if you just want to redefine the behavior of the console (in order to add logs for example) You can do something like that:

// define a new console
var console=(function(oldCons){
    return {
        log: function(text){
            // Your code
        info: function (text) {
            // Your code
        warn: function (text) {
            // Your code
        error: function (text) {
            // Your code

//Then redefine the old console
window.console = console;

Solution 3:

It would be super useful to be able to toggle logging in the production build. The code below turns the logger off by default.

When I need to see logs, I just type debug(true) into the console.

var consoleHolder = console;
function debug(bool){
        consoleHolder = console;
        console = {};
            console[key] = function(){};
        console = consoleHolder;

To be thorough, this overrides ALL of the console methods, not just console.log.

Solution 4:

I use something similar to what posit labs does. Save the console in a closure and you have it all in one portable function.

var GlobalDebug = (function () {
    var savedConsole = console;
    return function(debugOn,suppressAll){
        var suppress = suppressAll || false;
        if (debugOn === false) {
            console = {};
            console.log = function () { };
            if(suppress) {
                console.info = function () { };
                console.warn = function () { };
                console.error = function () { };
            } else {
                console.info = savedConsole.info;
                console.warn = savedConsole.warn;
                console.error = savedConsole.error;              
        } else {
            console = savedConsole;

Just do globalDebug(false) to toggle log messages off or globalDebug(false,true) to remove all console messages.