How to exit SSH of vagrant in terminal

Following the README in this repository, I am supposed to secure shell my way into a virtual machine I've created, but once I've done so, how do I get out?

Here are the instructions:

$ git clone git://
$ cd django-chef
# add yourself to the "users" array in the Vagrantfile
$ sudo echo "" >> /etc/hosts
$ vagrant up
$ fab vagrant:honza bootstrap  # replace with your name
$ vagrant ssh    # OK, cool
$ run            # I'm trapped! 

Solution 1:

Assuming the run command stays running on the foreground, you can most probably end it with CTRL+C. Then the shell (and SSH) session can be terminated with exit or CTRL+D.

Solution 2:

If you want to ssh to the machine you can do following:

vagrant ssh


homestead ssh

If you are in the machine you can run the command exit to get out of it.