Calling function triggered by event from an external JS file in angular component

First, modify sample.js such that it exports fixedHeader like so

if (document.getElementById("fixedHeader")) {
  window.onscroll = function () { fixedHeader(); };
  var header = document.getElementById("fixedHeader");
  var fixed = header.offsetTop;

export function fixedHeader() {
  if (window.pageYOffset > fixed) {
  } else {

With this adjustment, we've made sample.js into a module, with a single export named fixedHeader, and have thus enabled other modules, such as our current.component.ts, to consume it via the standard, explicit, and canonical method for sharing code in JavaScript: Modules.

Next, set "allowJs": true in your project's tsconfig.json, to inform TypeScript that our project includes a mix of both TypeScript and JavaScript source files.

Finally, import the fixedHeader function we've exported from sample.js directly into current.component.ts, remove the now redundant method from the Angular component class, and call the imported function as follows

 import {Component, HostListener} from '@angular/core';

 import {fixedHeader} from '../assets/scripts/sample.js';

   // Angular boilerplate and ceremony
 export class CurrentComponent { // or whatever it is actually called
   @HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event'])
   scrollHandler(event: Event) {
     console.log("Scroll event", event);

Finally, remove the script tag that originally loaded sample.js from index.html.

Note: adjust import path above as needed based on the actual location of the files relative to one another.