How do I breed a Copper dragon?

I heard the May 25th update added a Copper Dragon. Which dragons do I need to breed to get one and how long do they take to breed?

Solution 1:

Here are combinations that have all have the fastest "failure rate." Meaning the average time wasted if you don't successfully breed a copper dragon is only 2.45 hours.

Breeding Combination 1: CactusDragon + CopperDragon Failure Average: 2.25 hrs

Breeding Combination 2: CactusDragon + MagneticDragon Failure Average: 2.25 hrs

Breeding Combination 3: CactusDragon + MetalDragon Failure Average: 2.25 hrs

Breeding Combination 4: CopperDragon + PlantDragon Failure Average: 2.25 hrs

Breeding Combination 5: MagneticDragon + PlantDragon Failure Average: 2.25 hrs

Calculations done at

Solution 2:

Here's how to breed a Copper Dragon:
The Dragonvale Wiki page explains:

The Copper Dragon can be bred by selecting a metal dragon to mate with a lightning dragon at the Breeding Cave/Epic Breeding Island.

You don't need any hybrid dragons, just Metal and Lightning dragons.

You'll know you have a Copper Dragon when you get a breeding/egg time of 20 hours. Alternately you may get a Magnetic Dragon with a breeding/egg time of 4 hours.

Copper Dragon eggs look like this:

enter image description here

And the baby will look like this:

enter image description here

All images from Dragonvale Wiki: Copper Dragon