How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker?

It may help to know that SwingWorker uses an ExecutorService internally; it adds the interim EDT processing mechanism for convenience. As long as you update your GUI on the EDT and synchronize access to any shared data, the latter is equivalent to the former.

Assuming you are using the Model–View–Controller pattern, suggested here, your model is the operation of a cpu. Although it may be a different class, I can't see any reason to model the card reader on a different thread. Instead, let the processor model have a card reader model that does the waiting on a java.util.Timer thread, updating the model as the timer fires. Let the updated model notify the view in the normal course of posting events to the EDT. Let the controller cancel and schedule the card reader model in response to view gestures.

There was one thing missing from the "answer" I had appended to the original question:

I was handing off the time-consuming work (nothing more than a Thread.sleep() for pedagogical purposes) to a background thread, via a Single Thread Executor. A problem arose, however, because the background thread was "reading a card" by poll()ing the List that was serving as the data model for a Swing component, and raising lots of AWT array index out of range exceptions. After several futile attempts to synchronize access to the List by both the EDT and my background thread, I punted, and wrapped the commands to poll() the List and update the GUI in a small Runnable(), and used invokeAndWait() to cause them to run on the EDT while my background task waited.

Here's my revised solution:

private ExecutorService executorService;
executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
 * When EDT receives a request for a card it calls readCard(),
 * which queues the work to the *single* thread.
public void readCard() throws Exception {
    executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (buffer.isEmpty()) {
                 * fill() takes 1/4 second (simulated by Thread.sleep)
            Card card = buffer.get(); // empties buffer
             * Send card to CPU
            CPU.sendMessage(card); // <== (A) put card in msg queue
             * No race!  Next request will run on same thread, after us.
            buffer.fill(); //         <== (B) pre-fetch next card

 * buffer fill() method has to remove item from the list that is the
 * model behind a JList - only safe way is to do that on EDT!
private void fill() {
    SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
         * Running here on the EDT
        public void run() {
             * Hopper not empty, so we will be able to read a card.
            buffer = readHopper.pollLast();  // read next card from current deck
            fireIntervalRemoved(this, readHopper.size(), readHopper.size()); 
            gui.viewBottomOfHopper(); // scroll read hopper view correctly
    // back to my worker thread, to do 1/4 sec. of heavy number crunching ;)
    // while leaving the GUI responsive 