How to preserve line breaks when generating python docs using sphinx

In general in restructured text use

| Vertical bars
| like this

to keep line breaks

If you add the following to your main .rst file:

.. |br| raw:: html

   <br />

Then in your markup you can add in |br| to create linebreaks just for HTML.

I want to break this line here: |br| after the break.


This answer comes late, but maybe it'll still be useful to others.

You could use reStructuredText in your docstrings. This would look something like

:param arg1: arg1 description
:type arg1: str
:param arg2: arg2 description
:type arg2: str

From the looks of your example however it seems you're using the Google Style for docstrings (

Sphinx does not natively support those. There is however an extension named napoleon that parses Google and Numpy style docstrings at

To use the extension you have to append 'sphinxcontrib.napoleon' to the extension-list in your Sphinx (usually doc/source/, so it becomes something like

extensions = [                                                                  