Single or Double quotes in jQuery [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
When to Use Double or Single Quotes in JavaScript

This is specifically for jQuery not JavaScript in general since I'm not a JavaScript programmer and I'm starting to learn jQuery.

With the release of jQuery 1.6 was there a specific change on using single or double quotes?

For example, would the following function work in jQuery 1.6?:


Or do I have to use double quotes?:


Thanks in advance for any clarification.

JQuery Core Style Guidelines says:

"Strings should always use double-quotes instead of single-quotes."

You are allowed to use both. In JavaScript there is no difference between both (while e.g. in PHP there is a difference).

By the way, this is a JavaScript question. You are passing a string to the $() function, and strings have to be surrounded by ' or ".

jQuery is JavaScript and as such emits the same behavior: Both behave the same, because both represent a string.

Is there any specific reason you think that jQuery 1.6 changed something here?