Witch Doctor build for Inferno?

I am in the beginning of Inferno and I am having a bit of trouble some places, I have been using the zombie bears build (this or a variant of it), while the damage is very nice and it is a very good build for groups I find some champion packs/elites are impossible to take out with it when running solo. So what is a more well rounded build for soloing Inferno as a Witch Doctor?

So far I've used two builds with a decent amount of success soloing Inferno Acts 1 and 2 (just grinding for gear and killing champion packs and the end boss). Honestly, the best and most powerful thing you can do in Inferno is just gear yourself up. I've heard of a lot of random builds working, as long as you gear yourself in a specific way and have a pretty decent weapon. Also, using the Templar pet while soloing is a good idea, since he will actually tank for you.

As far as a specific build for soloing champions in inferno, I've had pretty good luck with a poison dart build. For this to be successful you'll need to stack a little bit of attack speed and have a pretty decent weapon though. You'll also need to prioritize abilities that'll let you kite. I like the DoTs because they also help with large packs and you don't just get melted, but you can probably change out some of that stuff for your own personal preferences for your own play style.

I like the ZomBears build, but I do agree that it is difficult to solo with because you've got to be fairly close for it to work. I've been playing around with build alternatives and so far I've only come up with the Poison Dart build.

Editing this in since I just tried a new variant of poison dart build that I liked more. This build for darts was much more effective due to the amount of CC you gain from Horrify and Hex. I had a much easier time doing solo Inferno Butcher runs with this build that my previously mentioned one.

Link to ZomBear build I used for a while that also worked well.

This Pet Build has also been said to be pretty effective, but I've not tested it much myself. It looks interesting though, and a couple of people on Blizzard's Witch Doctor forums have said it is good.

I use spirit walk (mana regen) to go into the pack then active soul harvest (life steal 9K HP + 650 Int) then go back from a few metters slow with the 80% Area and throwing bears with my Zombies Wall just in front of me so i have these 4 spells in CD ==> 300% regen mana (masterie) ==> unlimited bears ... until the slows stop (8 sec duraction /// 8 sec CD ) then recast the slow few meters back, back a little w8ting spirit walk and harvest (both 15 sec CD) and start over.

with masterie +10% mana/ globe and some range of grabbing the 2nd spirit walk grab 3-4 globes granting +30-40% int + 650 + 9k HP from harvest + globes ==> double my int ==> double dmgs and full life

if i can t kill the guy before they reach me and they kill me i got masteries that saves me and i back, slow and start again the combo :-D

i advise some grabbing range and some bonus life on globes so u can never die :-D

PS : sry for the terms, i don t realy know the names of the skills in english ;-)