How we can Filter the Insight data for multiple specific campaigns in Facebook marketing?

Solution 1:

You have 2 options:

  1. You can build a list of campaigns by your specific condition and then you use IN operator instead of CONTAIN operator like this:,reach,impressions,clicks,cpc,spend&filtering=[{field: "",operator:"IN", value: ['id1', 'id2', 'id3']}]
  1. You can try to use batch request like this (documentation here and here):
curl \
-F 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
-F 'batch=[ \
  { \
    "method": "GET", \
    "relative_url": "v12.0/act_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID/insights?fields=impressions,spend,ad_id,adset_id&filtering=[{field: "",operator:"CONTAIN", value: '123456789'}]" \
  }, \
  { \
    "method": "GET", \
    "relative_url": "v12.0/act_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID/insights?fields=impressions,spend,ad_id,adset_id&filtering=[{field: "",operator:"CONTAIN", value: '222222222'}]" \
  }, \
]' \