How to print "-n" without issuing a newline?

The problem is that echo interprets the -n as an argument. On the default bash implementation, that means (from help echo):

  -n  do not append a newline

There are various ways of getting around that:

  1. Make it into something that isn't an option by including another character. For example, tell echo not to print a newline with -n, then tell it to interpret backslash escapes with -e and add the newline explicitly.

    $ echo -ne '-n\n'
  2. Alternatively, just include a space

    $ echo " -n"

    That, however, adds a space which you probably don't want.

  3. Use a non-printing character before it. Here. I am using the backspace (\b)

    $ echo -e "\b-n"

    This also adds an extra character you probably don't want.

  4. Use trickery

    $ echo n- | rev

    The rev command simply prints its output reversed.

  5. Use the right tool for the job

    $ printf -- '-n\n'

Sometimes it's a good idea to use the right tool. You could use printf instead:

% printf "-n\n"       

You can use this command, but it adds an extra space.

echo -e  "\r-n"

This is a kind of a hack.

-e enables backslash command symbols.

\r is a carriage return.

Actually any \ valid character will do in any place of the string.

You can see which are valid by help echo.

echo "-n" does not work because -n is used as a parameter for echo.

P.S. The best solution IMHO is

echo -e "-n\c"

It does not add any extra characters.

echo -e "-n\n"

prints the same but with a new line char.