Ursina Python Engine: Lighting, Shadows And Bloom Effects

Solution 1:

You have to import shaders from ursina and then apply directional light.

from ursina import *
from ursina.shaders import lit_with_shadows_shader 

app = Ursina()
Entity(model='plane', scale=10, color=color.gray, 
Entity(model='cube', y=1, shader=lit_with_shadows_shader)
pivot = Entity()
DirectionalLight(parent=pivot, y=2, z=3, shadows=True, rotation=(45, -45, 45))


Solution 2:

You have to add lights and also apply lit_with_shadows_shader to entities that will receive shadow.

See more here: https://www.ursinaengine.org/cheat_sheet.html#DirectionalLight