best books for learning algebra

My name is Aniket and I have started 11th class recently. I have studied only my school textbooks(NCERT Books) and I am not happy with them.

I want to learn Algebra,i.e, all the topics covered in algebra 1 and 2. I want to learn algebra enough to master up to 12th class, but I am very confused which is the best book to achieve all of my goals.

Book Price = less than $17 (American Dollars) And I don't want an eBook.

Any suggestions would be very appreciated, thank you!

if you are an Indian, please note that all major book publishers provide very cheap books in Indian subcontinent. For example, Higher Algebra by Hall & Knight is priced USD20.91 on for Paperback which you can buy for a negligible ₹100 (~USD 1.70) at Indian stores. And this is the only book I can suggest you for Algebra. I have collected some other algebra books on my site, if you are further interested.