Always oddly-many ones in the binary expression for $10^{10^{n}}$?

The answer to the title question is "no" according to the following computation in a Sage notebook:

for n in [1..10]: print n, (5^10^n).popcount()

 1 11
 2 105
 3 1163
 4 11683
 5 115979
 6 1161413
 7 11606847
 8 116093517
 9 1160951533
10 11609679812

CPU time: 487.60 s,  Wall time: 1935.41 s

EDIT: In Sage, the popcount() method -- which returns the number of ones in the binary representation -- is built-in for objects of type 'Integer' (but not for type 'long', which I had been forcing), making it unnecessary to import gmpy, etc., as done previously.