Future warning message [duplicate]
How can I do to get rid of this warning?
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\seaborn_decorators.py:36: FutureWarning: Pass the following variable as a keyword arg: x. From version 0.12, the only valid positional argument will be data
, and passing other arguments without an explicit keyword will result in an error or misinterpretation.
warnings.warn(enter image description here
plt.title('Department of Employees Who Left')
plt.savefig('ex_dept.png', bbox_inches='tight')
It seems that the warning is just indicating that usage of positional arguments (except data
) is going to be disallowed in future seaborn
versions. The code is working right now, but, besides removing the warning, by adjusting it you can ensure it will continue working when seaborn
is upgraded.
According with the sns.countplot()
documentation (and with the warning message itself), the argument you should pass by keyword is x
. The following line needs to be adjusted:
If I'm not misinterpreting the documentation, both of the following replacements should work:
# 1st option
# 2nd option
sns.countplot(ex_emp, x='dept')
Just in case, give them a try!