What's the meaning of "dummy up"?

What does "dummy up" mean here?

The cops wouldn't tell me who the owner was, but we're a military town, so I took a chance. Called my insurance (USAA) and as luck would have it, that was the other guy's insurance too!...Got my mechanic to dummy up a $50 statement, just to submit it to USAA and have it on the douche's record. That's what he gets for being a lying asshole.

It means to create a fake or (more commonly in computer engineering) a placeholder for an actual object.

According to Green's Dictionary of Slang, dummy up has several meanings:-

dummy (up) v. (SE dummy, a sham) (US) to concoct a fraud, to fake something up


dummy up v.

  1. to pose as a mute
  2. to stop talking
  3. to keep quiet, to keep secret

In the example you cite it looks like the the first (fraud, fake) meaning is intended.