<Link> does not work as expected in NextJS

I am working on creating a Next.js app and part of it requires me to create a dynamic route on click of a card component. However, after wrapping my Cards with the <Link> from Next.js, I am unable to navigate to the page as nothing happens on click. I tried adding an <a> tag under my Link and it worked. I am coming from react-router, and felt that just adding the <Link> should help navigate. Can someone explain the need for a <a> tag inside the Link component?

Below is the code that I have:

import React from 'react';
import OptionsDropdown from './components/OptionsDropdown';
import Card from './components/card';
import Link from 'next/link';

const Browse = () => {
  let filterByMenuEl = ['All items', 'Single items', 'Bundles'];
  let sortByMenuEl = ['Price: Low to High', 'Price: High to Low', 'Most Favorited'];
  let card1 = {
    name: 'Collectible 1',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.11',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Fviz0PWzUMQ98uvUZV8e_3y2R3D0nwk9q3jCQONoA2jh83vN2phkxEmLD3zpE1iiPOWNqh38rCqOC4agChgi704d0VGjgqwXrjiZ1Q=w600',
    list_date: 'here'
  let card2 = {
    name: 'Collectible 2',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.12',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8pQQRseehVjJ5PRZkXANawtaCooQfdTF9Ld3UvJVXxVaiixxM9x357NqLwFqindvDlKZ-XqbLytwzL-LxpiDPgJLIqOq5OHjhg5PAQ=w600',
    list_date: 'here'
  let card3 = {
    name: 'Collectible 3',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.13',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a2w4nmFDYU1Z5kimGQtymbw7E-Jj8zrZRGiKmkmv03e9z5VJAFFqSIsvq39EjtlETwluC9hDGx6EpS5YOCVN6X6pTlAiOpuD5tYW=w600',
    list_date: 'here'
  let card4 = {
    name: 'Collectible 4',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.14',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/P0FjJQ-9_YlBUtl6-pg5tgz1KUOqxgGRnB0u4v3C6YnY14cMWealXb5u3O2OI_Zr-YxMYaRs_b4TVrBTZzXF18_zhZ1WWPsBYj6xyg=w600',
    list_date: 'here'
  let card5 = {
    name: 'Collectible 5',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.15',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/alrw4OsjldeYC5WpJCfneeui2F4lNDU0xYLp80LA9horlf7wufhRG_2ln5u72PLaNh9tF_3WqSXZoCFTgIC9GatkKPobLQ5zYJgrug=w600',
    list_date: 'here'
  let card6 = {
    name: 'Collectible 6',
    description: 'This is a description',
    price: '0.16',
    img: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/lGp0y5VfF0j0gpe9OcY34inan58xkJuH6i6vCtCempSbUBMsF0cXexO_rFJNixIQP3n27M0L1waBS8oUI_JayefpzmB9Lw3q5oq6=w600',
    list_date: 'here'

  let cards = [card1, card2, card3, card4, card5, card6];

    <div className='BrowsePage'>
      <div className='browse-options'>
        <div className='browse-results'>100,000 results</div>
        {/* <div className='options-spacer' /> */}
        <div className='browse-dropdowns'>
          <OptionsDropdown title='Filter by' menuEl={filterByMenuEl} />
          <OptionsDropdown title='Sort by' menuEl={sortByMenuEl} />
      <div className='browse-main'>
        {cards.map((e, index) => {
          return (
          <Link href={"/browse/" + e.name} key = {e.name} passHref={true}>

export default Browse;

Solution 1:

Can someone explain the need for a tag inside the Link component?

You need <a> tag inside the Next.js Link Component if the children is not a string. Otherwise you do not need <a> tag. See: NextJS Link isn't rendering an anchor tag From : https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/packages/next/client/link.tsx

Some thoughts on the <a> tag:

  1. Content within each <a> should indicate the link's destination. If the href attribute is present, pressing the enter key while focused on the <a> element will activate it. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/a

  2. <a> is a tag that allows other elements within it to be right-clicked and has the options 'Open Link in New Tab', 'Copy Link Address', etc. (This is why I use this component.)