use strings to access (potentially large) multidimensional arrays

I am having trouble figuring out a way to simply parse a string input and find the correct location within a multidimensional array.

I am hoping for one or two lines to do this, as the solutions I have seen rely on long (10-20 line) loops.

Given the following code (note that the nesting could, in theory, be of any arbitrary depth):

function get($string)
    $vars = array(
        'one' => array(
            'one-one' => "hello",
            'one-two' => "goodbye"
        'two' => array(
            'two-one' => "foo",
            'two-two' => "bar"

    return $vars[$string]; //this syntax isn't required, just here to give an idea

get("two['two-two']");  //desired output: "bar".  Actual output: null

Is there a simple use of built-in functions or something else easy that would recreate my desired output?

Solution 1:

Considering $vars being your variables you would like to get one['one-one'] or two['two-two']['more'] from (Demo):

$vars = function($str) use ($vars)
    $c = function($v, $w) {return $w ? $v[$w] : $v;};
    return array_reduce(preg_split('~\[\'|\'\]~', $str), $c, $vars);
echo $vars("one['one-one']"); # hello
echo $vars("two['two-two']['more']"); # tea-time!

This is lexing the string into key tokens and then traverse the $vars array on the keyed values while the $vars array has been turned into a function.

Older Stuff:

Overload the array with a function that just eval's:

$vars = array(
    'one' => array(
        'one-one' => "hello",
        'one-two' => "goodbye"
    'two' => array(
        'two-one' => "foo",
        'two-two' => "bar"

$vars = function($str) use ($vars)
    return eval('return $vars'.$str.';');

echo $vars("['one']['one-two']"); # goodbye

If you're not a fan of eval, change the implementation:

$vars = function($str) use ($vars)
    $r = preg_match_all('~\[\'([a-z-]+)\']~', $str, $keys);
    $var = $vars;
    foreach($keys[1] as $key)
        $var = $var[$key];
    return $var;
echo $vars("['one']['one-two']"); # goodbye

Solution 2:

How about

$vars = array(
    'one' => array(
        'one-one' => "hello",
        'one-two' => "goodbye"
    'two' => array(
        'two-one' => "foo",
        'two-two' => "bar"

function get( $string, $vars )
    $keys = explode( '][', substr( $string, 1, -1 ) );
    foreach( $keys as $key ) {
        $vars = $vars[$key];
    return $vars;

echo get( '[two][two-one]', $vars );