It's not true that the homotopy colimit is the colimit in the homotopy category. In fact, colimits (other than disjoint unions, say) tend not to exist there.

Here's a bit of intuition for homotopy colimits. (A nice reference is Dan Dugger's primer on the subject.) Suppose you have a diagram of, say spaces or simplicial sets, as in $$\begin{array}{rcl} A&\to& B\\ \downarrow&&\downarrow\\ C&\to& \end{array}$$

To form the push-out in an ordinary sense, you would take the disjoint union $B \sqcup C$, and then quotient by the relation that for each $a \in A$, the image of $a$ in $B$ is identified with that in $C$. This, however, is not homotopy invariant, because the operation of quotienting in this way is not well-behaved homotopically. A better variant (from this point of view, at least) is not to quotient by this relation, but to glue in paths for it. That is, if $i: A \to B, j: A \to C$, then to form the homotopy push-out of this diagram, you should draw in paths from $i(a)$ to $j(a)$ for each $a \in A$. This is one explicit construction of the homotopy push-out which works for spaces that are nice (say, CW complexes) or for arbitrary simplicial sets (for the more general theory, you should look up the Bousfield-Kan formula). You can check that in this case the operation just described is homotopically well-behaved, and that it is weakly equivalent to the usual colimit for projectively cofibrant diagrams.

So, let's take this as our explicit construction of the homotopy push-out of spaces or simplicial sets. Now, we want to describe maps from the homotopy push-out, which I'll call $D$, into an arbitrary space $X$. By definition, this is given by maps $B \to X$, $C \to X$, and a homotopy $A \times I \to D$ of the restriction $A \to B \to X$ with $A \to C \to X$. This follows from the other construction as $D$ by gluing in lots of paths. Note that the homotopy itself is part of the data; it's not enough to just give two maps that happen to be homotopic. We can think of this as a space of maps, and its connected components are the morphisms $[D, X]$ in the homotopy category.

Now, if the space of maps $D \to X$ were just the space of maps $B \to X, C \to X$ whose restriction to $A$ were homotopic, then you're right: $D$ would be the push-out in the homotopy category. But the problem is that the homotopy has to be included in the data. Here's an explicit example to illustrate this. Let $B = C = \ast$. Then the homotopy push-out is given by drawing paths $\ast \to \ast$ for each $a \in A$; this, in other words, is the suspension of $A$ (whether it's reduced or unreduced depends on whether you work in the pointed or unpointed category). What the above says is that to give a map $\Sigma A \to D$ is to give two points of $D$, and a homotopy between the two constant maps $A \to D$ given by these points; this is reasonable. More to the point, in this case the homotopy push-out is definitely not the push-out in the homotopy category, because $\ast$ is final in the homotopy category and that push-out would be $\ast$.

Finally, note that even homotopy inverse limits are not inverse limits in the homotopy category (e.g. because of the Milnor exact sequences with $\lim^1$ terms).