mysql_fetch_array return only one row

Ok, I have the following code:

$array = mysql_query("SELECT artist FROM directory WHERE artist LIKE 'a%' 
        OR artist LIKE 'b%' 
        OR artist LIKE 'c%'");
    $array_result= mysql_fetch_array($array);

Then, when I try to echo the contents, I can only echo $array_result[0];, which outputs the first item, but if I try to echo $array_result[1]; I get an undefined offset.

Yet if I run the above query through PHPMyAdmin it returns a list of 10 items. Why is this not recognized as an array of 10 items, allowing me to echo 0-9?

Thanks for the help.

Solution 1:

That's because the array represents a single row in the returned result set. You need to execute the mysql_fetch_array() function again to get the next record. Example:

while($data = mysql_fetch_array($array)) {
  //will output all data on each loop.

Solution 2:

You should be using while to get all data.

$array_result = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($array, MYSQL_NUM)) {
    $array_result[] = $row;
echo $array_result[4];