Difference between 'kludge' and 'kluge'?

As far as I can tell the two have different etymologies and have both possible pronunciations, CLUH-J and CLOO-J but seem to be used interchangeably. I had not idea CLOO-J even existed until my school business librarian used it.

Solution 1:

In thirty years as an engineer, the only pronunciation I have heard from other engineers is CLOO-J.

On the rare occasions when I heard someone say CLUH-J, the speaker was NOT an engineer and was pronouncing the word as they had seen it written: kludge.

Solution 2:

I've also seen and heard both. In my experience, kludge is more common these days; kluge seems to be used by older programmers/engineers, or those who believe that it's more correct because it's apparently older. To me, the kludge spelling and "fudgy" pronunciation seem more American. That is, I can see it looking and sounding more comfortable to average Americans, while the other may seem a bit stilted (trying too hard to maintain foreign origins).

I know you have to be careful when relying on Wikipedia, but I think its article on this subject is pretty good.