java.lang.RuntimeException: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: media_store_extension (code 1): ,

Solution 1:

This error is reported not only from Flutter developers, but also from Unity ( and and in my case - for a native android app.

We first got this error 6 months ago and applied the fix that was suggested by the unity guys:

aaptOptions {
    noCompress 'db'

However, yesterday we received the same error again, so the "fix" did not work for us.

The error occurs:

  1. (so far) only during internal testing
  2. only on Xiaomi Redmi 6A.
  3. from time to time(it is not reproduced each time)
  4. always in process

The most reasonable explanation that I have seen so far is that the exception occurs when the testing bot attempts to take a screenshot.

This explains why the process is Google Photos', why the error is not reproduced each time and why it is "fixed" by just resubmitting a new build.

This also means that just ignoring the error should be OK.

Solution 2:

My suspicion is that this is an issue with the configuration / installation of that particular Xiaomi Redmi 6A what Google uses for the pre-launch report. There are just too many reports coming from all over the board from all kinds of various apps (for example also see which is yet another tech stack on Android, just like Unity or Flutter). I don't have any concrete evidence, but this is my gut feeling looking at everything.

Therefore I wouldn't do any Gradle aapt configuration voodoo or ADT patching or anything like that.