Java 7 prevents FTP transfers on Windows Vista and 7 if firewall is on. Any ideas?

The problem is caused by the stateful FTP filter of the firewall. As a workaround you can disable it by executing netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable with administrator rights.

Another workaround is to start the JVM with:

We tested the Windows hotfix and confirmed that it did resolve the problem.

I've submitted a bug report to Oracle, see

They've marked the priority as low, which makes me think that they don't quite understand the magnitude of the problem, i.e. that FTP is broken on Java/Windows. I forgot to state that explicitly in the bug report. If anyone else feels like it should have a higher priority please add a comment to the Oracle bug report.

I just noticed that you can also 'vote' for the bug, so please give it a vote if you agree it's significant.