Classification of triply transitive finite groups
A permutation group $G$ on a set $X$ is said to be $k$-transitive if it is both transitive on $X$ and either $k=1$ or the point stabilizer $G_x$ is $(k-1)$-transitive on $X\setminus\{x\}$.
Is there a classification of 3-transitive finite groups?
- For every non-negative integer $n$, $S_n$ and $A_n$ are 3-transitive on $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$
- If $n-1=p^f$ is a prime power, then all $G$ with $\operatorname{PGL}(2,p^f) \leq G \leq \operatorname{P\Gamma L}(2,p^f)$ are 3-transitive
- If $n-1=q^2$ is the square of a prime power, then also all $G$ with $M(q^2)\leq G \leq \operatorname{P\Gamma L}(2,p^f)$, where $\operatorname{PSL}(2,q^2) < M(q^2) < \operatorname{P\Gamma L}(2,q^2)$
Every sharply triply transitive group is either $\operatorname{PGL}(2,p^f)$ or $M(q^2)$, of order $((n-1)^2-1)((n-1)^2-(n-1))/(n-2) = n(n-1)(n-2)$. This is due to Zassenhaus; see Huppert–Blackburn (XI.1.4.b, XI.2.1, and XI.2.6). However, there are triply transitive groups that are not sharply triply transitive (such as $\operatorname{P\Gamma L}(2,p^f)$ for $f>1$).
If $n$ is odd, then Wagner (1966) showed that any non-identity normal subgroup of a triply transitive group is also triply transitive. By taking a minimal normal subgroup (and then a minimal normal subgroup of that) we get a simple triply transitive group of the same degree, so if we are only interested in $n$, then we need only consult our knowledge of finite simple groups.
I think $\operatorname{ASL}(n,2)$ is always triply transitive.
Here are the triply transitive groups of degree $n < 2500$ that don't fall into the above categories:
- $M_{11}$ of degree 11
- $M_{11}$ of degree 12, $M_{12}$ of degree 12
- $A_7 \ltimes 2^4$ of degree 16 (?)
- $M_{22}, \operatorname{Aut}(M_{22})$ of degree 22
- $M_{23}$ of degree 23
- $M_{24}$ of degree 24
Note these are mostly Mathieu groups.
- Wagner, A. “Normal subgroups of triply-transitive permutation groups of odd degree.” Math. Z. 94 (1966) 219–222 MR199251 DOI:10.1007/BF01111350
- Siemons, Johannes. “Normal subgroups of triply transitive permutation groups of degree divisible by 3.” Math. Z. 174 (1980), no. 2, 95–103. MR592907 DOI:10.1007/BF01293530
Solution 1:
In Graham's & All Handbook of Combinatorics, Peter Cameron wrote (however without a proof)
If t=3, then either G is one of more transitive, or
- G is $ AGL(d,2), n=2^d $ or
- G is $ V_{16}.A_{7}$ or
- G is $ M_{11} $ or
- G is $ M_{22} $ or $Aut(M_{22}) $ or
- $ PSL(2,q) <= G <= P\Gamma L(2,q) $, n=q+1, q= prime power