Docker-Compose error: "line 1: Not: command not found" when executing --version (Current Version 1.27.4)

Solution 1:

I found a different "How to" DOCKER ON UBUNTU RASPBERRY PI 4 From what I can remember, seems a lot like other "How to". There was this one comment.

Docker does not have a release for Docker-Compose for arm64 yet; however, I have a shell script which will allow us to download a compatible Docker-Compose container with arm64 from my GitHub.

He had one for 1.28 and one for "the latest" I used the latest

sudo curl -L --fail -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Then when I tried the docker-compose --version I got this:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ docker-compose --version
Unable to find image 'apptower/docker-compose:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from apptower/docker-compose
d2f70382dc9a: Pull complete
3edfa0ca360e: Pull complete
e8fa2c4aadc9: Pull complete
724e91a62418: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3c6c36c09554b7be4faeb102758f76cb149d703865290a719f6a541ce78851d8
Status: Downloaded newer image for apptower/docker-compose:latest
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

Bottom line, I wish I could document for others in the same boat, but I am not sure exactly what it was that fixed it. Just that I was able to see the version. Now back to the project that I need docker for. :-)