MySQL Workbench SSL connection error: SSL is required but the server doesn't support it

This answer helped me in Workbench 8.0

Basically, create new connection using the advanced tab by entering "useSSL=0" in the 'Others' tab.

Advanced tab, then Others field

Yes you can set "useSSL=0" in the 'Others' tab, but unfortunately when switch to another tab of MySQLWorkbench and then switch back, that setting is just disappeared... At least for me in version 8.0.27, on MacOS. And then sometimes later that annoying prompt is showing again, don't know why...

TO SOLVE this question once and for all, you better downgrade it to version 8.0.26 at this place:, and the SSL options are all back, so you don't need to use "useSSL=0".

Consider the following steps:

  1. Open MySQL workbench
  2. right-click on the particular MySQL instance and select "Edit Connection"
  3. Select the "SSL" tab under Connection Method
  4. Select the drop-down for the "Use SSL" and choose "If Available" instead of "Required".
  5. Click the "Test Connection" button at the lower right connection to make sure you can now connect without errors.

You need to downgrade to a lower workbench version here in order to see more options in the drop-down from step 4.