In modern webbrowsers is there any point in putting www infront of a url that uses it?

Solution 1:

In modern webbrowsers is there any point in putting www infront of a url that uses it? When going to or is there any benefit or difference made by omitting the www?

It usually doesn’t, but it could.

This has nothing to do with the browser; it has to do with the web-server. The web-server is a computer (or even multiple computers) which receive queries for web-pages and send the appropriate data. A URL includes several parts, one of which is the name or address of the web-server.

Many companies host more than just a web-server, they may also run an FTP-server, a database-server, a mail-server, and so on. These could be hosted from the same machine as the web-server or on different machines.

In the past, it was common to specify the difference via a prefix for consistency. So for example, Acme Industries might buy the domain-name, then set up one or more computers to host the different service they have. When you want to use one of the services, you enter the appropriate host name: - Acme’s web-site - Acme’s file server - Acme’s database server - Acme’s incoming mail server - Acme’s outgoing mail server

So why does it still work without www.? Because most web-servers allow you to accept different URLs and redirect them as necessary. For the convenience of users, most companies and organizations set up a rule to have have the web-server handle connections to the hostname on port 80 (the “web port”) or redirect it to another system if the web-server is a different machine.

Differentiating the service or machine being accessed can also be done through the port, but it requires specifically including it in the name, so it’s not really any better than using prefixes:     - web-server     - file server

Sometimes the scheme can perform this function: - web-server  - file server

Using schemes works as well and can be done automatically using the appropriate software (e.g., a browser would add http://, an email client would add pop://, etc.), but there are not official schemes for every type of server that can exist, and inventing one is not ideal because it would require software to support it.

It’s becoming less and less necessary to include www., but it is not universal and some sites still require it because helps keep things organized.

Solution 2:

Yes and no. The www is 'just' a subdomain thats used for websites commonly, and unfortunately not all companies set up their second level domain to be accessible without it.

If the address you're going to has a www subdomain and its not set up to allow its second level then its necessary. Else no.

As for how you set it up, there's both schools of thought that www is not needed and that it does. There's little reason not to set up your domain records to point at the www less second level domain. www is probably obsolete in this day and age but it dosen't hurt to have it. In my case, I personally don't have www domains but thats due to laziness more than anything else.

Solution 3:

Usually, companies redirect "" to "", but that's not a required standard, and it's not always followed.

While you do most of your internet interaction through a web browser, there's other stuff on the Internet besides web pages. While nearly all of this is wrapped up in web pages today, there's still FTP, Telnet, Gopher, news servers, mail servers, SIP (voice over IP) and a few other fun protocols. Anyone remember Finger?

Since all of these services were different, each had a unique hostname assigned to it by convention: you could always count on finding an FTP server at, their gopher server was, and so on.

Of course, in the 80's and early 90's, a server computer cost more than a luxury car. So and probably pointed to the same place, since the entire company would have just a single Internet server.

Then something big happened. In the 90's: server computers got cheaper, and expensive mainframes and minicomputers gave way to commodity systems that cost less than a weekend at Disneyland. Any desktop machine could be a web server, thanks to free Linux, and people started building out their server farms with multiple PC's. Today, you can build a web server for less than $100, and store it in a soda can (hopefully an empty one.)

So the Internet exploded: Facebook today gets more hits in one day than the entirety of the Internet did in 1995. So we use more than one server to handle web requests: entire groups of computers these days will respond to a single host name, thanks to the magic of load balancing, and the Internet seems to have settled on a standard of doing all of our Internet work through a web browser.

What this means is that is no longer on the same computer as So where do we send requests to the "naked" domain of ""?

Today, people think of "the web" as "the Internet", and so they use a browser for everything they do. That's convenient, since having separate programs for downloading files, reading news, checking email, reading blogs, and checking the weather can be a real pain. It also brings up questions like "why do we have www in front of web pages?" This means that we can usually get away with assuming that a request for a naked domain is the same as a request for that domain's www server.

So now, most companies will respond to naked requests by redirecting "" to "". However, there's no standard that requires it, and you'll frequently find that small domains hosted on server farms won't respond to naked domains that way. (For example, one hosting company I used dropped users to the hosting company's landing page when someone typed just "".)

Luckily for the lazy among us, there's a keyboard shortcut in most browsers that lets you shorten the process even more: just type "company", press Control-Enter, and the browser expands it to "".