Solution 1:

Instead of calculating sine as a function of time, maintain a sine/cosine pair and advance it through complex number multiplication. This doesn't require any trigonometric functions or lookup tables; only four multiplies and an occasional re-normalization:

static const double a = 2 * M_PI * 280 * 30e-6;
static const double dx = cos(a);
static const double dy = sin(a);
double x = 1, y = 0; // complex x + iy
int counter = 0;

void control_loop() {
    double xx = dx*x - dy*y;
    double yy = dx*y + dy*x;
    x = xx, y = yy;

    // renormalize once in a while, based on
    if((counter++ & 0xff) == 0) {
        double d = 1 - (x*x + y*y - 1)/2;
        x *= d, y *= d;

    double sine = y; // this is your sine

The frequency can be adjusted, if needed, by recomputing dx, dy.

Additionally, all the operations here can be done, rather easily, in fixed point.


As @user3386109 points out below (+1), the 280 * 30e-6 = 21 / 2500 is a rational number, thus the sine should loop around after 2500 samples exactly. We can combine this method with theirs by resetting our generator (x=1,y=0) every 2500 iterations (or 5000, or 10000, etc...). This would eliminate the need for renormalization, as well as get rid of any long-term phase inaccuracies.

(Technically any floating point number is a diadic rational. However 280 * 30e-6 doesn't have an exact representation in binary. Yet, by resetting the generator as suggested, we'll get an exactly periodic sine as intended.)


Some requested an explanation down in the comments of why this works. The simplest explanation is to use the angle sum trigonometric identities:

xx = cos((n+1)*a) = cos(n*a)*cos(a) - sin(n*a)*sin(a) = x*dx - y*dy
yy = sin((n+1)*a) = sin(n*a)*cos(a) + cos(n*a)*sin(a) = y*dx + x*dy

and the correctness follows by induction.

This is essentially the De Moivre's formula if we view those sine/cosine pairs as complex numbers, in accordance to Euler's formula.

A more insightful way might be to look at it geometrically. Complex multiplication by exp(ia) is equivalent to rotation by a radians. Therefore, by repeatedly multiplying by dx + idy = exp(ia), we incrementally rotate our starting point 1 + 0i along the unit circle. The y coordinate, according to Euler's formula again, is the sine of the current phase.


While the phase continues to advance with each iteration, the magnitude (aka norm) of x + iy drifts away from 1 due to round-off errors. However we're interested in generating a sine of amplitude 1, thus we need to normalize x + iy to compensate for numeric drift. The straight forward way is, of course, to divide it by its own norm:

double d = 1/sqrt(x*x + y*y);
x *= d, y *= d;

This requires a calculation of a reciprocal square root. Even though we normalize only once every X iterations, it'd still be cool to avoid it. Fortunately |x + iy| is already close to 1, thus we only need a slight correction to keep it at bay. Expanding the expression for d around 1 (first order Taylor approximation), we get the formula that's in the code:

d = 1 - (x*x + y*y - 1)/2

TODO: to fully understand the validity of this approximation one needs to prove that it compensates for round-off errors faster than they accumulate -- and thus get a bound on how often it needs to be applied.

Solution 2:

The function can be rewritten as

double n;
void control_loop() {
    n += 1;
    double sine = sin(2 * M_PI * 280 * 30e-6 * n);

That does exactly the same thing as the code in the question, with exactly the same problems. But it can now be simplified:

280 * 30e-6 = 280 * 30 / 1000000 = 21 / 2500 = 8.4e-3

Which means that when n reaches 2500, you've output exactly 21 cycles of the sine wave. Which means that you can set n back to 0. The resulting code is:

int n;
void control_loop() {
    n += 1;
    if (n == 2500)
        n = 0;
    double sine = sin(2 * M_PI * 8.4e-3 * n);

As long as your code can run for 21 cycles without problems, it'll run forever without problems.

Solution 3:

I'm rather shocked at the existing answers. The first problem you detect is easily solved, and the next problem magically disappears when you solve the first problem.

You need a basic understanding of math to see how it works. Recall, sin(x+2pi) is just sin(x), mathematically. The large increase in time you see happens when your sin(float) implementation switches to another algorithm, and you really want to avoid that.

Remember that float has only 6 significant digits. 100000.0f*M_PI+x uses those 6 digits for 100000.0f*M_PI, so there's nothing left for x.

So, the easiest solution is to keep track of x yourself. At t=0 you initialize x to 0.0f. Every 30 us, you increment x+= M_PI * 280 * 30e-06;. The time does not appear in this formula! Finally, if x>2*M_PI, you decrement x-=2*M_PI; (Since sin(x)==sin(x-2*pi)

You now have an x that stays nicely in the range 0 to 6.2834, where sin is fast and the 6 digits of precision are all useful.

Solution 4:

How to generate a lovely sine.

DAC is 12bits so you have only 4096 levels. It makes no sense to send more than 4096 samples per period. In real life you will need much less samples to generate a good quality waveform.

  1. Create C file with the lookup table (using your PC). Redirect the output to the file (
#define STEP   ((2*M_PI) / 4096.0)

int main(void)
    double alpha = 0;

    printf("#include <stdint.h>\nconst uint16_t sine[4096] = {\n");
    for(int x = 0; x < 4096 / 16; x++)
        for(int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
            printf("%d, ", (int)(4095 * (sin(alpha) + 1.0) / 2.0));
            alpha += STEP;

  1. Configure the timer to trigger the overflow 4096*280=1146880 times per second. Set the timer to generate the DAC trigger event. For 180MHz timer clock it will not be precise and the frequency will be 279.906449045Hz. If you need better precision change the number of samples to match your timer frequency or/and change the timer clock frequency (H7 timers can run up to 480MHz)

  2. Configure DAC to use DMA and transfer the value from the lookup table created in the step 1 to the DAC on the trigger event.

  3. Enjoy beautiful sine wave using your oscilloscope. Note that your microcontroller core will not be loaded at all. You will have it for other tasks. If you want to change the period simple reconfigure the timer. You can do it as many times per second as you wish. To reconfigure the timer use timer DMA burst mode - which will reload PSC & ARR registers on the upddate event automatically not disturbing the generated waveform.

I know it is advanced STM32 programming and it will require register level programming. I use it to generate complex waveforms in our devices.

It is the correct way of doing it. No control loops, no calculations, no core load.

Solution 5:

I'd like to address the embedded programming issues in your code directly - @0___________'s answer is the correct way to do this on a microcontroller and I won't retread the same ground.

  • Variables representing time should never be floating point. If your increment is not a power of two, errors will always accumulate. Even if it is, eventually your increment will be smaller than the smallest increment and the timer will stop. Always use integers for time. You can pick an integer size big enough to ignore roll over - an unsigned 32 bit integer representing milliseconds will take 50 days to roll over, while an unsigned 64 bit integer will take over 500 million years.
  • Generating any periodic signal where you do not care about the signal's phase does not require a time variable. Instead, you can keep an internal counter which resets to 0 at the end of a period. (When you use DMA with a look-up table, that's exactly what you're doing - the counter is the DMA controller's next-read pointer.)
  • Whenever you use a transcendental function such as sine in a microcontroller, your first thought should be "can I use a look-up table for this?" You don't have access to the luxury of a modern operating system optimally shuffling your load around on a 4 GHz+ multi-core processor. You're often dealing with a single thread that will stall waiting for your 200 MHz microcontroller to bring the FPU out of standby and perform the approximation algorithm. There is a significant cost to transcendental functions. There's a cost to LUTs too, but if you're hitting the function constantly, there's a good chance you'll like the tradeoffs of the LUT a lot better.