Is it possible to find the Jewel of Dirgest?

Reaper of Souls has brought with it the ability to find the Jewel of Dirgest, though not as you might expect.

Act V takes you to Pandamonium, where you venture into Westmarch. Covetous Shen may give you a quest that takes you into the Unearthed Ruins, where the Jewel of Dirgest should rest.

While Dirgest has made an escape, shattering the jewel, his minion Vekriss lies in wait. Defeating him releases Liria's soul, and provides a cryptic conclusion to the story of The Jewel of Dirgest, as well as the true origins of Shen.

Liria: Zei? Is that you?

Shen: Zei is gone and no more. He is a legend and a myth. The man who stands before you is but a simple jeweler. I have seen the years, And I have loved and lost, and I have grieved and wept.

Liria: Whoever you are, you have freed me, and I am happy to have looked upon your face.

Shen: And I am filled with joy to have seen yours once again. Farewell, and go upon this last journey.

No. This is just a story being spun by Shen to allow for continued conversation and dialog with him. It is not an item you can find in game.