Solution 1:

If you are in Excel VBA you can use the following.

Application.Wait(Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))

(The time string should look like H:MM:SS.)

Solution 2:

I use this little function for VBA.

Public Function Pause(NumberOfSeconds As Variant)
    On Error GoTo Error_GoTo

    Dim PauseTime As Variant
    Dim Start As Variant
    Dim Elapsed As Variant

    PauseTime = NumberOfSeconds
    Start = Timer
    Elapsed = 0
    Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime
        Elapsed = Elapsed + 1
        If Timer = 0 Then
            ' Crossing midnight
            PauseTime = PauseTime - Elapsed
            Start = 0
            Elapsed = 0
        End If

    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description, Erl
    GoTo Exit_GoTo
End Function

Solution 3:

You can copy this in a module:

Sub WaitFor(NumOfSeconds As Long)
Dim SngSec as Long
SngSec=Timer + NumOfSeconds

Do while timer < sngsec

End sub

and whenever you want to apply the pause write:

Call WaitFor(1)

I hope that helps!