compiling for iOS 14.0, but module 'MockTechPost' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 15.0

i have seen other post simmilar to this and their solution is either upgrade it to ios 15 or put @available ios xx, I've done both and still got this error, are there any other solution? thank you

<unknown>:0: error: compiling for iOS 14.0, but module 'MockTechPost' has a minimum deployment target of iOS 15.0: /Users/fdika24/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MockTechPost-gkosutlxcjcxfobkjgdzjwenfqcr/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
Command MergeSwiftModule failed with a nonzero exit code

Solution 1:

I had the same problem and solved it by deleting the folder corresponding to the application for which compilation failed in: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ Then recompile. The folder is re-created and compilation went well, at least for me.

Solution 2:

I just had this and after checking all the settings were correct in the Build Settings tabs a "Product -> Clean Build Folder" solved it without manually having to delete folders.

Solution 3:

I have fixed it,and this might sound crazy but the solution is not upgrading it into ios 15, adding a reference to the Main storyboard is the solution, crazy huh