How do you properly uninstall Bittorrent Sync on Mac OSX? I can't find anything in the official FAQ or the User Guide

BitTorrent Sync User Guide

BitTorrent Sync FAQ

Solution 1:

Both of the answers above are still relevant but with Version 2 occured a new problem:

You cannot delete the because there are plug-ins running:

'The item “BitTorrent Sync” can’t be moved to the Trash because some of its plugins are in use.'

The quick and dirty solution: You need to quit both "Sync Finder Extension" and "CMFSyncAgent" via activity monitor, then delete

Here is the funny part: If one deletes all the files mentionend (cache, preferences, app support...) inclusive "sync finder extension" in ~/Library/Containers but not itself then the "sync finder extension" reappears in its container-folder and is loaded again after a restart.

I don't know how it gets started again, because there are no launch demons, no launch agents, no kernel extensions or startup item I could find that starts up the plug-ins. I looked in launchctl but still no luck.

Since there is no FAQ for really uninstalling bittorrent sync 2 I qould appreciate if someone could comment or answer this question.

Solution 2:

In Activity Monitor, search for and Force Quit "Sync Finder Extension". Afterwards you can remove BitTorrent from Applications.

Solution 3:

Delete the application /Applications/BitTorrent Sync.App

Delete the preferences and caches. In Terminal:

rm -R ~/Library/Caches/com.bittorrent.Sync/
rm -R ~/Library/Caches/com.bittorrent.Sync.DumpUploader/
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.bittorrent.Sync.*
rm -R ~/Library/Application\ Support/BitTorrent\ Sync

Solution 4:

You can just move the application to the trash.

There is a preference file in ~/Library/Preferences/ and cache files in ~/Library/Caches/com.bittorrent.Sync/, but you don't have to delete them.