How can I insert a real tab character in Vim?

Solution 1:

While in insert mode or command mode (the : prompt at the bottom of the editor), type CTRL + V then TAB.

Using CTRL + V signals Vim that it should take the next character literally. Even in insert mode.


As noted by Herbert Sitz, if gVim is in Windows mode (default), you must use CRTL + Q in place of CTRL + V.

Solution 2:

@Samnang: I have a similar setup as you; unfortunately, Jason's answer did not work, for me.

This is a workaround:

  • Substitute some character (e.g. a backtick: `) or characters (e.g. a unique alphanumeric string: zzz) where you want your tab(s)
  • Select the text (Visual mode) and do a search/replace,


Updated answer, inspired by @Cyryl1972 's comment.

Insert tab at beginning of all lines (note also: no need to select lines, for any of the following code, as that's included in the line matching part of the expression):


Inert tab after first 10 characters in all lines:


Explanation - first part:

:1,$      Match from line 1 to end of file
^(.{10}   Collect (preserve) all text from beginning of line to position 10
          (you need to escape the parentheses, \( and \), as well the FIRST
          (left) curly brace, only: \{ -- as it, { , appears to have special
          meaning in regex when used for this purpose

Explanation - second part:

/1        Add back the preserved text
\t        Insert a tab

... and the rest of the line is automatically restored, as well.

Current line, only:


Example: insert tab at position 10 (0-indexed) at lines 2-4:



1234567890  abcdefghij 
1234567890  abcdefghij 
1234567890  abcdefghij 

References (StackOverflow):

  • Replace character in specific position with another character using regular expression, Vim
  • How do I add a character at a specific postion in a string?

References (other):

  • Regex Cheat Sheet