found ls binary using whereis but can't find ll why?

found ls binary using whereis but can't find ll why ? How to find where ll binary loacted ?

I found "ls" binary using "whereis" but can't find "ll"

$ whereis ls
ls: /bin/ls /usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz

But can't find ll :

$ whereis ll

Solution 1:

ll is not a binary but an alias of the ls -alF command.

Check the .bashrc file :

$ alias ll
alias ll='ls -alF'

Solution 2:

As noted by kos in the comments, you should use the bash built-in type command which, unlike whereis, is also aware of aliases and shell built-ins:

$ type ll ls cd
ll is aliased to `ls -alF'
ls is hashed (/bin/ls)
cd is a shell builtin

(For the meaning of "hashed", see this question on unix.SE.)

Solution 3:

Many users like short cuts and this is what an alias is, a shortcut option for users.

Scripts should not use shortcuts, that is not a portable design, as you found out, these alias commands are not consistently defined.

Easiest answer to meet your need, assuming the use of 'll' is repeated:

Within the script, define the alias ll='ls -l', before referencing the command, then the use of 'll' will work throughout this script.

alias  ll='ls -alF'
... (rest of the script)

Better Answer: better to use the full command in the script, provides documentation. Never use an alias in a script that others have to use.