Can't complete dropbox installation from behind proxy


My PC on campus sits behind a proxy (requiring authentication) and I can't setup Dropbox. I am convinced that this is a proxy issue as I can't setup Ubuntu one either (but I don't use Ubuntu One so that is not a problem). I have looked at the Ubuntu One fix but it seems to be to modify settings explicitly related to Ubuntu One. I can install the nautilus-dropbox package (compiled from source and from .deb package from website and from software centre) but once I click OK from the "Dropbox Installation" dialog box (prompting me to download the proprietary daemon) the installation just freezes with the OK button pressed. When I look at its process in System Monitor its waiting channel is inet_wait_for_connect.

I have set the following proxy directives thus far:

  1. Added mj22:** information to network proxy settings under network in settings.
  2. Added http_host and http_port variables under gconf-editor->system->proxy
  3. Added 'host', 'authentication_password' 'authentication_user' and ticked 'user authentication' and 'use_http_proxy' under gconf-editor->system->http_proxy
  4. Added export http_proxy="http://mj22:**" to /etc/bash.bashrc
  5. Added Acquire::http::proxy "http://mj22:**"; to /etc/apt/apt.conf (which is what I imagine is letting Software Center retrieve packages).

(where ** is my password)

I have also added the equivalent ftp and https lines for the above entries. I get the internet fine and Software Centre can download packages but thats it.

Related issues:

  1. The software centre can't fetch reviews (but can download packages).
  2. When trying to add an online account in Gnome 3 a dialog pop up appears with "Error getting a Request Token: Cannot connect to proxy ("


After some time (10mins ish) Dropbox shows an error dialog box that reads:

Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set you http_proxy environment variable.

Is there a way I can see what environment variables are currently set?

sudo https_proxy="https://username:password@your_proxy:proxy_port" dropbox start -i

You have to run the deamon as root, and thus, you have to configure the proxy as root. Setting the httpS_proxy root env variable on invocation should be enough.

What is still missing is the installation of the Dropbox daemon. You can download and install it manually; this is documented at


cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -


cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -

Next, run the Dropbox daemon from the newly created .dropbox-dist folder.


In case it helps anyone, I had an issue with the proxy settings and although I had them set they weren't enabled:

You can see if they are enabled like this:

gsettings get org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled

And enable them if they aren't like this:

gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http enabled true

In case someone uses proxy that requires authentication:

sudo http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyhost:proxy_port dropbox start -i

worked for me!