Error mounting external hard drive

Solution 1:

I am a Linux fanatic here, and can answer this question.

I have had this error, and it is due to the fact that Linux doesn't natively run NTFS.

NTFS is a Windows format, Linux can run it, however it will run much better formatted as FAT32, or best as EXT4.

To summarize, reformat the drive and try again. If this doesn't work, install gmtp. This will help compatibility when connecting devices.

I'm not sure on arch linux, but on ubuntu and debian systems, the command is

sudo apt-get install gmtp.

Solution 2:

every time this happens to me i do as it says

run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very important!

then windows fixes it,
just because windows explorer reads it does not mean the file-system it good
trust me i know from personal loss...