using i18n with multi language files in nuxt.js

Solution 1:

for those who have the same problem as me. you can import any language folder and file you want in this way.

 modules: [
    // Doc: 
        strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
        defaultLocale: 'en',
        langDir: 'languages/',
        lazy: true,
        locales: [
          { code: 'fa', iso: 'fa-IR', name: 'fa', file: 'fa/index.js', dir:'rtl'          },
          { code: 'en', iso: 'en-US', name: 'en', file: 'en/index.js', dir:'ltr' }

here you have added a language folder that contains all of languages you want to se in your website (but as you can see it is your index file) then you have to define what file should be declared in you index.js like the example below:

import about from './about.js'
import homepage from './homepage.js'

export default {

and this is all of it. i hope it would be helpful for some of you. also i will share the code source on my github please check it out.