Enable Access to Programs in Guest Account in Windows 7

Solution 1:

1) Login in to your admin user account.

2) Click on Start and then right click on 'All Programs' then select 'Open all Users'. Here you will find links to programs available to all users. Leave this window open.

3) Click on Start again and right click on All Programs then select 'Open'. Here is where are programs that only you can run. Notice the file path at the top of this screen.

4) Click in the open gray area to the right of 'Start Menu'. You can edit this line to jump to the guest or other users you have set up, and then when done editing hit return to move you to their start button directory.

5) Now you can drag and drop and/or drag a copy of program items between these various directories to allow or disallow various users access to your programs.

Solution 2:

There is a way to allow all programs in Guest account.

  1. Log on to Admin profile.
  2. Open Windows Explorer. Right Click on C drive icon. Go to Properties.
  3. Click on Security. Click Edit. Click Add. Click Advanced.Then click Find Now. 4. After clicking this,various types of user profiles will be shown below. Select the user profile in which you want to get access to all programs, like Guest profile.After selecting press OK.
  4. Then your desired profile is shown in a box. Click OK again.
  5. Now you will find yourself in a previous box. Just select your desired profile and then in the box below check Full Control. Then press OK.
  6. Then the Security tab appears and you can see that your profile has been allowed.Then press OK and you're done.

For C drive,after clicking OK some error or faults may appear.You just keep on click "Continue". Repeat the same process for D & E drives as well.