Get the text after span element using jquery

I have this html code

<div id="mydiv">
        <span>Text inside span</span>
        Text next to span
        Contents inside the 2nd div element...

I wanted to get the "Text next to span". I tried this code JQuery code

var a = $('#mydiv div').first().find('span').parent().text();

The output of the jquery code above is this:

Text inside span
Text next to span

What should be the right thing to do to just get only the "Text next to span"?

var a = $('#mydiv div').first().contents().filter(function() {
    return this.nodeType == 3;

This gets the contents of the selected div, and filters the matched set, returning only elements with nodeType == 3, which are text nodes.

I got it by this:

$('#mydiv div').first().contents().eq(1).text();

Use this code:

  .filter(function() {
    return this.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE;