eslint / typescript: Unable to resolve path to module

Solution 1:

You should pass this config to eslint if you want to import your ts / tsx files without the extension. The module directory is important here to resolve path inside ./src. If the module is not found inside src it will search inside node_modules

"settings": {
  "import/resolver": {
    "node": {
      "extensions": [".ts", ".tsx"],
      "moduleDirectory": ["src", "node_modules"]

Solution 2:

It looks like you have defined custom paths in your TypeScript config (usually tsconfig.json). The import plugin doesn't know about the correct location of the TypeScript config and hence cannot resolve those paths. What you need to do, is to specify the correct path to your TypeScript config via the project parameter in the resolver options:

    "settings": {
        "import/resolver": {
            "project": "./my-path-to/tsconfig.json",

Or if your tsconfig.json is located in your respository's root, set: "project": {}, see this GitHub issue: