Does any stat increase my Block Chance?

Most shields I've seen around my level only have around a 15% block chance, although I have seen ones as high as 30%

Is this based on any particular stat, or is this a shield-specific value? And is there any way to raise my block chance?

Solution 1:

There are no stats that provide a bonus to blocking. This was done to prevent any class from feeling as though they were 'designed' to use a shield. The only way to improve your chance to block is to equip a higher quality shield, or to find items with an Affix that increases your chance to block.

Solution 2:

I don't know the list of items that provide block chance, but as far as I know, the helm of command gives +8% chance to block.

So with what is currently available on the AH, you can buy a stormshield (up to 32% block), a helm of command (+8%), and a justice lantern. So you can have 51% block chance total. There are other items such as a belt with 5% block chance, but I think a string of ears is better.

Prices on european servers:

  • 31-32% stormshield - 10-30M gold (a sacred shield is a better purchase IMO)
  • justice lantern - 3M hold
  • helm of command with all resist: 3M gold, much more if you also want a socket.

Edit: If you want to see all of the items with block % other than shield, just search on the AH: armor / any armor type / block %.