Eclipse: Enable autocomplete / content assist

By default in Eclipse you only have to press Ctrl + space for autocomplete. Then select the desired method and wait 500ms for the javadoc info to pop up. If this doesn't work go to the Eclipse Windows menuPreferencesJavaEditorContent assist and check your settings here

If you would like to use autocomplete all the time without having to worry about hitting Ctrl + Spacebar or your own keyboard shortcut, you can make the following adjustment in the Eclipse preferences to trigger autocomplete simply by typing several different characters:

  1. Eclipse > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist
  2. Auto Activation > Auto activation triggers for Java
  3. Enter all the characters you want to trigger autocomplete, such as the following:


Now any time that you type any of these characters, Eclipse will trigger autocomplete suggestions based on the context.

  1. window->preferences->java->Editor->Contest Assist
  2. Enter in Auto activation triggers for java:
  3. Apply and Close

other method:
type initial letter then ctrl+spacebar for auto-complete options.