Why is console.log() showing react_devtools_backend.js:4049 instead of the file and line number?

When I console.log(), the Chrome console gives the log but instead of showing the file and line number it just says react_devtools_backend.js:4049. How do I get the console to show the file and line number when I console.log()?

screenshot of console output showing "react_devtools_backend.js:4049" in place of a correct file and line number

I was able to fix it in my console by adding the file to my Framework Ignore List in Chrome. Steps:

Console -> Gear icon (top right) -> Settings -> Framework Ignone List.

Add react_devtools_backend.js to the list and the console.log should start showing the correct mapping again.

screenshot of Framework Ignore List in Chrome Settings

Disable the React Devtools extension in your browser.

It looks like that extension needs a fix.