How to extract the text of a PDF document with Automator, and save it in a directory

How can you modify the output folder of the Extract PDF text action ? I made a basic workflow to extract the text of PDF files, but the output folder is stuck to Desktop. I can change it in Automator, but the changes are not saved. It reverts to Desktop when I reopen the workflow.

Automator Bureau means Desktop. This is the one that refuses to be set.

Solution 1:

This seems to be a bug with Automator, as I can reproduce the same problem.

The workaround is to have Automator move the file to your desired destination after the text is extracted. Just add the Move Finder Items action (sorry, I'm not sure of the exact french translation) after the Extract action, and set it to your desired directory.

Move Finder Items action

Solution 2:

Instead of directly choosing a directory in the drop-down menu, which for some reason, doesn't work, choose: New variable.

Then choose a name, and a directory where you want the files to be saved.