Storage Spaces 2012 R2 - can you 'lie' about SSD/HDD tiers?

Solution 1:

AFAIK you can run storage spaces even from within a HyperV virtual guest so I imagine yes.

Use the Set-PhysicalDisk commandlet to set the media type which appears as nothing more than a label (and not an actual physical property):

Set-PhysicalDisk -UniqueId <String> –MediaType SSD
Set-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName <String> –MediaType HDD

And simply add all disks labeled as SSD to one tier and all disks labeled as HDD to your other tier.

New-StorageTier –FriendlyName SSDTier –MediaType SSD
New-StorageTier –FriendlyName HDDTier –MediaType HDD