Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall application
Maybe you uninstalled Visual Studio 2010? Try installing the isolated package: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) Redistributable Package
I had the same error when trying to open SQL Server Mgt Studio 2012 until I followed this recommended fix by Microsoft:
Posted by Microsoft on 10/25/2011 at 6:01 PM
This happens after installing SQL Server 2012 (Code named "Denali CTP3") or later, running SSMS successfully, then (later) install VS11 Dev Preview, and then run SSMS.
Dev11 Preview improperly recognize SQL Server Denali SSMS as a version 11 application and it updates the current user’s setting in SSMS registry key during the setup. This issue occurs only when Dev11 Preview is installed after the installation of SSMS.
SQL Server 2012 SSMS has a built-in security and resiliency feature for any corrupted configuration in HKCU registry key. The corrupted registry keys can be simply deleted then SSMS automatically reconstructs it with correct values during the next startup procedure.
• Start regedit.exe
• Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio
• Delete 11.0_Config
• Restart ssms.exe
I had the same issue today. Probably because I had uninstalled VS2012 and may have accidently uninstalled a VS Shell.
Installing the 2014 SSMS Express Edition Fixed my 2012 SSMS
This finally worked for me:
I had to uninstall 2010 shell and then repair MSSMS 2014.
From the link above:
Struck an issue with a Windows 2012 Server with VS2012 installed trying to open SQL 2012 Management Studio giving the error:
“Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application”
After having tried a heap of combination of things, installing SQL 2014 Management Studio, uninstalling, reinstalling… Then repairing VS2012, installing SQL 2014 Management Studio again. All to no avail.
What finally got me over the line was to uninstall the Visual Studio 2010 Shell, this was done by downloading the installer from this link:
Once downloaded, run the installer and remove the VS2010 Shell component. Once done, run the SQL 2014 Management Studio installer or do a repair on your existing installation, this will itself reinstall the VS2010 Shell components.
Then bam, it finally opened for me.