Netbeans 8.0.2 freezing at startup on Ubuntu 15.10 64bit

Solution 1:

To make it work with OpenJDK 8, edit /etc/java-8-openjdk/ and comment out the following line


as suggested here:

Solution 2:

Same here. The Java 8 build 1.8.0_66-internal-b01 seems to be a little unstable. You could either wait for a newer build to arrive in Ubuntu ( or use OpenJDK 7 for now.

This does indeed seem to be a problem with OpenJDK 8, which still seems to exist is build 66-b17. If you need Java 8, you can download Oracle's JDK from and set the path to that JDK in the file <netbeans directory>/etc/netbeans.conf (parameter "netbeans_jdkhome"). I couldn't reproduce the problem with the Oracle JDK.