'Correct' term for... upwards moving menu?

I posted a (technically inclined) question at StackOverflow — and I agree with a particular commentary, and we'd like to get your opinion. Here's my original question:

Dropdown menu.

But ours open upward - 'popup', as in 'popup menu' has proved oddly confusing to some of our business oriented folk. So we tried throwing in 'vertical menu' and then.. this was a mistake.. 'vertical animating menu'.. so what would you call it?

And here's the original thread for our commentary. It'll be interesting to see what you all can come up with!

I suggest a "flyout" menu, which is basically what the Start button has. You click an item, a menu flies out in some direction from that item.

As it doesn't seem like there is already a terminology, the simplest route would be to use the antonym of dropdown: "riseup menu". However it sounds a bit clunky, maybe because it is a neologism.

EDIT: I initialy proposed uprise instead of riseup but as @Tomalak pointed, not only riseup is in fact analoguous to dropdown, but also uprise would have a completely different meaning.