Android utilize V8 without WebView

You can create a new V8 Context via its API and use that to execute your JavaScript, look into include directory which contains two C++ header files. Link against the (compiled from library via the NDK, nothing special.

v8::Persistent<v8::Context> context = v8::Persistent<v8::Context>::New(v8::Context::New());

Refer to which will work on Android. Just make sure the device actually ships with V8 (some older devices ship with JSC [JavaScript Core]).

A bit of a late response but it may be useful to anyone stumbling upon this question. I used the J2V8 library which is a Java wrapper on Google's V8 engine. This library comes with pre-compiled V8 binaries for x86 and armv7l Android devices. It work seamlessly. See here for tutorials. Just keep in mid that since pure V8 is just an Ecmascript engine, there is no DOM element available.