Where can I view Tyrael's Sacrifice cinematic in-game?

https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4209931810 This forum solved this issue for me, i was missing tyrael's sacrifice - the best cutscene!

Open My Documents\Diablo III\D3Prefs.txt (for win7/vista, not sure where it is in xp or os-x) in notepad and change the "PlayedCutscene" lines to (or add them if they are missing)

PlayedCutscene0 "31"
PlayedCutscene1 "31"
PlayedCutscene2 "23"
PlayedCutscene3 "143"

Log in to your account and load Act 1 Quest 10 to travel to Caldeum.

Return to New Tristam

Your two missing cutscenes (Tyrael's Sacrifice and Caldeum) should play successively in the Act transition. They'll be available in your Cinematics menu from then on.
